Our first trip to Hong Kong in 2009 was somewhat memorable - the better half (Gianna :) ) had chipped a molar tooth and leaving a nerve exposed. From first hand accounts this was excruciating to say the least. The inability to eat was replaced by excessive shopping and sightseeing, of course. We have been back in Sydney for at least a week and looking back - it has been the total opposite of our somewhat foodless first trip to Hong Kong. After a quick early morning nap (our flight landed at 5am - and if anything was open we would have headed there..) our first mission in HK was to have a meal at the famed Michelin Star Dim-Sum restaurant - Tim Ho Wan. 

Unfortunately for us, the beds at our Hotel were far too comfortable and we overslept - starting the day just before lunchtime.. There was panic in both our faces. "We are going to hit the lunchtime rush". We both wanted Tim Ho Wan to be our first meal stop in Hong Kong to kick off the holiday, so although we were warned about the long wait for a seat - we headed to our destination. We found the small, unassuming restaurant easier than expected - after all the crowds were already gathered en masse outside. Our tummies already grumbling at this stage, we tried to curb our hunger pains with some canned coffee from the 7-11 across the road. It was going to be a long morning....

So this is how the waiting game goes - First, you have to hustle your way through the anxiously waiting crowd and get assigned a number by the host, or as we like to call her - our new friend the dragon lady. Although she doesn't seem very friendly at all - she is very efficient in getting the crowd moving and yelling at people who are blocking the neighbouring businesses. Dragon Lady hands us the english dimsum menu and writes the number '91' on our copy. We guard this piece of paper with our lives, as we stood outside until we were game enough to speak to Dragon Lady. "What number are you up to?" She points to her sheet of paper - "25" A friendly fellow hungry patron translates what was being said to us : "Come back in 2 hours". As expected from the world's most affordable Michelin star restaurant right?